Thank you for confirming some of our worst fears about the inadvisability of election-day registration. It is well-documented and vital and deserves to be shared widely.

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Thank you for showing interest. We had 25,000 same day registrations (SDRs) (provisional ballots) submitted starting the day after registration cut-off - believe 17 October through the Friday before election day. It was most likely organized and intentional. We had another roughly 100,000 SDRs on election day.

These are unregistered voters - and many are ineligible to vote.

My personal take - it was intended to disrupt the vote count, and it may have changed the outcome of some of the Congressional elections. Election Officials were under a time crunch to certify. We are relatively confident that some ineligible voters slipped through the cracks, and were added to our Registered Voter List. It can be pretty hard to identify and remove ineligible voters once they are on the RVL.

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